Why do we need your consent?
Hazel Slade Academy, requests the consent of parents to use images and videos of their child for a variety of different purposes.
Without your consent, the school will not use images and videos of your child. Similarly, if there are only certain conditions under which you would like images and videos of your child to be used, the school will abide by the conditions you outline in this form.
Why do you we use images and videos of your child?
Hazel Slade Academy uses images and videos of pupils as part of school displays to celebrate school life and pupils’ achievements; to promote the school on social media and on the school’s website; and for other publicity purposes in printed publications, such as newspapers.
Where the school uses images of individual pupils, the name of the pupil will not be disclosed. Where an individual pupil is named in a written publication, a photograph of the pupil will not be used to accompany the text.
If, for example, a pupil has won an award and their parent would like their name to be published alongside their image, separate consent will be obtained prior to this.
Hazel Slade Academy may take images or videos of individual pupils and groups of pupils to use on social media, the school website, in school prospectuses and other printed publications, such as a newsletter.
Who else uses images and videos of your child?
It is common that the school is visited by local media and press, who take images or videos of school events, such as sports days. Pupils will appear in these images and videos, and these may be published in local or national newspapers, or on approved websites.
What are the conditions of use?
• This consent form is valid whilst your child attends Hazel Slade Academy - Please note that images used on the school/trust websites and internal displays may remain in place after your child has left the school unless consent is withdrawn.
• It is the responsibility of parents to inform the school, in writing, if consent needs to be withdrawn or amended.
• The school will not use the personal details or full names of any pupil in an image or video, on our website, in our school prospectuses or any other printed publications.
• The school will not include personal emails or postal addresses, telephone numbers on images or videos on our website, in our school prospectuses or any other printed publications.
• The school may use pictures of pupils and teachers that have been drawn by pupils.
• The school may use work created by pupils.
• The school may use group or class images or videos with general labels, e.g. ‘sports day’.
• The school will only use images and videos of pupils who are suitably dressed, i.e. it would not be suitable to display an image of a pupil in swimwear.
• The school will take images of your child including whole class/school photographs which are available to purchase annually by parents.
Providing your consent
Please read the following conditions thoroughly and provide your consent as appropriate by ticking either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ for each criteria.
The school will only publish images and videos of your child for the conditions that you provide consent for.